Thursday, 24 May 2018

AWC设施方案 - 利润率提高

AWC设施方案 - 利润率提高

AWC的3QFY18净利增长36.3%至690万令吉,去年同期为500万令吉,这是由于盈利水平较高,收入贡献较强,收入达RM75.3mil 增长11.6%。







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Friday, 18 May 2018

PWROOT - Techincal view on May 2018

Power Root was testing the MYR1.70 level in its latest session. A bullish bias may be present above this point with a target price of MYR1.90, followed by MYR2.04. The stock may consolidate further if it cannot breach above the MYR1.70 threshold decisively in the near term. Support may be found at MYR1.37, where traders can exit upon a breach to limit the downside risk.

All posts and documents submitted in this blog are solely for open discussion and education purposes only. All recommendations and opinion provided are solely for your consideration only and you should exercise your own judgment in forming your own investment decision(s). Please also be informed that equity investment is risky and we recommend you to conduct sufficient searches for information in addition to referring our recommendations and/or opinion herein, prior to making an investment decision.

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合成工业 (HUPSENG) - 仍在努力经营,创造佳绩

合成工业 (HUPSENG) - 仍在努力经营,创造佳绩

由于国内和出口市场销售季节性下滑,收入下滑10.5%至7,710万令吉。 此外,毛利率也从38%下降至36.7%是因为较高的投入成本而导致税后盈利较低(-23.0%)。其主要原因是投入成本较高(以棕榈油,面粉和食糖等原料为主),而运营成本仍然很高(管理和营销费用包括员工,运输,能源成本占收入的五分之一)。 由于毛棕榈油价格较便宜,相信未来利润率将继续提高。

利润连续两年下降后,6月1日开始,GST 降至0%将消费者信心逐步改善,预示着提高该集团的盈利。 尽管第一季度的毛利率较低,但毛利率下降将导致原材料成本下降。 估计2018年棕榈油价格平均价格将低于2,500令吉/吨,而2017年平均价格为2,715令吉。迄今为止,棕榈油价格平均为2,465令吉/吨。 请注意,棕榈油和面粉占集团原材料成本的70%以上。

合成工业表示,由于现代化商店的销售收入增长以及分销商网络规模扩大,销售额有所增长。通过培育自己的分销网络打开中国市场的计划尚未起飞。预计合成工业的额外增长将来自中东和中国市场出口销售的增长,因为有更高的销售激励措施; 和分销商的促销赞助活动。 相信2018年国内销售将增长2.8%。


All posts and documents submitted in this blog are solely for open discussion and education purposes only. All recommendations and opinion provided are solely for your consideration only and you should exercise your own judgment in forming your own investment decision(s). Please also be informed that equity investment is risky and we recommend you to conduct sufficient searches for information in addition to referring our recommendations and/or opinion herein, prior to making an investment decision.

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Monday, 14 May 2018

3A资源 - 整装待发

3A资源 - 整装待发


由于其地理市场的销量略有下降,虽然公司第一季度收入同比下降0.7%,但大马的销售额却增长了5.9%,抵消了新加坡的-24.4%和其他国家的-7.2%。 展望未来,由于产品供应总体多样化以及持续投资扩产计划,可以保守预计2018-2020年的增长率为4-6%。 作为配料生产商,3A将受益于餐饮业的稳步增长,作为食品加工行业的馈送者,其产品广泛用于食品加工,以其他食品制造商生产所需的原材料或半成品形式 他们各自的成品。

第一季度净利润下降是因为原材料价格上涨尤其是木薯粉。 今年迄今为止,全球木薯价格上涨了25%,这应该在3A的未来两个季度中得到反映,除非3A能够将成本转嫁给客户,从而缓解其影响。 本季度,不利的原材料价格和汇率使毛利率下降。 尽管如此,预计长期利润率将有所提高,因为3A在去年已经完成建设的麦芽糖糊精第三工厂增加,并且应该在明年之后带来更大贡献。

相信3A拥有长期潜力,因为其一贯以优质的品质提供各种类型的餐饮原料,赢得行业内大型跨国公司的信心 ;还有生产能力和办公空间扩张计划,未来两年拨款4000万令吉;净现金头寸清晰的资产负债表;以及持续重视研发活动,从而开发新产品。

All posts and documents submitted in this blog are solely for open discussion and education purposes only. All recommendations and opinion provided are solely for your consideration only and you should exercise your own judgment in forming your own investment decision(s). Please also be informed that equity investment is risky and we recommend you to conduct sufficient searches for information in addition to referring our recommendations and/or opinion herein, prior to making an investment decision.

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